Monday, June 22, 2009

The Thing I Am Is Everything

My sister says that she can sing, and that makes her a singer.
I chase her, singing, I’m a bee, and that makes me a stinger!
She hollers, You are just a thing!
I tell her, I agree.
The thing I am is everything. I'm not just a bee.
She yells, Oh be a rocket ship and blast off to the moon!
I say, I went there yesterday. Why go again so soon?
She screams, Then be a lobster! Go live on the ocean floor!
I am. And every ocean, I explain. And every shore.
She screeches, Just be quiet Mr. Big-Pain-In-My-Rear!
I whisper, That’s impossible. I’m everything you hear.
Well silence is a thing, she says. And I scratch my head.
I guess I won’t be everything, but just some things instead.

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